Downloading Runs

Sometimes you might need to download the run, along with all of its original images. It's unlikely that you need to do this, since Screenshotbot handles image comparison and notification directly for you. However, this might be useful for compatibility with any existing screenshot testing tools or libraries which need the original image files.

We provide you two ways of doing this. We recommend reaching out to us if you need to do this in an automated manner (e.g. as part of a CI job), since both of these methods are heavily throttled.

Using the UI

From a run, you can click the Advanced menu, and then click Download run. This will give you a tool to download all the screenshots as a ZIP file.

Be aware that this mechanism is only available for runs less than 50MB in size.

Using the CLI tool

The CLI tool provides a tool to download the run. First, find the run id: this is the hexadecimal string that is part of the URL<run-id>.

You can use this to download the runs, e.g.:

      ~/screenshotbot/recorder download-run --id 66e47bad9a440f3a7159e281
      [19:56:16] INFO : Saving: 404-page/index.html--Firefox 1100.png
      [19:56:17] INFO : Saving: 404-page/index.html--Google Chrome Desktop.png

Downloading by Channel name

You can also download the promoted run by channel:

      ~/screenshotbot/recorder download-run --channel channel-name

In some cases, if there are multiple branches for which screenshots are uploaded to Screenshotbot (e.g. main and release-24.01.11, but Pull Request branches don't matter), you would have to disambiguate by specifying a --branch argument.

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